Monday 27 June 2016

Google Analytics-9 User ID setup:

Find the User ID setup flow in your account:

The User ID is set at the property level. To find a property, click Admin, then select an account and a property. From the Property column, click Tracking Info then User ID.

Follow the step-by-step flow. Click the blue buttons to complete an action and move on to the Next step. After you complete a step, you can click edit at any time to revise your selections.

Analytics-> audience -> user Explorer -> List of client ID.......

user Demoghic- > browser details, time, timezone, country , state, city, browser details., etc.....

Set up the User ID in your tracking code

After you enable the User ID by agreeing to the policy, you must implement the User ID in your tracking code. To use the User ID, you must be able to generate your own unique IDs, assign IDs to new users and consistently reassign IDs to returning users, and include these IDs in the data you send to Analytics. This step should be completed by a developer, see the Related resources section below for more information.

You can use the User ID for both websites and mobile apps. Both types of Google Analytics views (app and web) will accept both web and app hits and report them together. When using User ID, we recommend that you maintain a consolidated view that includes all types of hits, and that you configure filtered views to isolate web and app hits as necessary.

You can also click the toggle to turn session unification OFF at this step. Learn more about session unification.

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