Monday 27 June 2016

GA3- Grant Access to user - User creation

Google Analytics-3: Grant Access to other user:

For those of you who work with other people to manage your website, you may
want to grant them access to your Analytics account so they can view reports
and get detailed information about your site’s performance. Google Analytics
provides the ability to add any number of users to your account, and to grant
varying levels of access to your reports. Access to particular reports and
domains is configured through a combination of profile access and report
dashboards and categories.
To grant access to another user:
• Make sure that they already have a free Google Account
• Then go to the Analytics tab within your AdWords account and click on the
Access Manager
• From the Access Manager, click Add User

• From the drop down menu, select the Access type for the new user
• Choose an Access type from the drop down menu

You have the choice of allowing them to View reports only, or access as
an Account Administrator, where they’ll be able to edit account settings
as well as view reports. If you select View reports only, select the
profiles (or websites) to which this user should have access (note that
Account Admins have access to all profiles). If you’ve only created one
profile (or site) , you will still want to select the profile.
• Click Add to move these profiles into the Selected Website Profiles list
• Click Finish to create the new user

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