Monday, 27 June 2016

GA-4 : Goals and Funnels - Conversion

Google Analytics-4 Goals Setting: Funnel Set up

Goals you can able to view:-> login Analytics->Left menu-> conversion-> Goals -> expend the list for goals and funnel visualization.
Introduction to Goals
Goal: a page which a visitor reaches once they have completed an action
You define goals based on the purpose of your website and the actions
you want your visitors to take. Goals are often called conversions.
Examples of common goals include:
• A donation receipt page
• A newsletter confirmation
• Any other page to which you are trying drive your visitors

Goals are often called conversions, since on e-commerce sites, visitors are
converted to customers. In this case, visitors might be converted to volunteers
or sponsors as well.

The path to your goal is called a Funnel Path. Technically speaking, a Funnel Path is a series of pages
through which a visitor is expected to pass before reaching the conversion goal.

The Funnel Path is like a video game where the player has to pass through specific doors to reach the
prize at the end. In this case, you just need to identify which doors, or pages in your site, the visitor
has to go through (visit) to get the prize (your goal of a donation, volunteer, newsletter sign up, etc) at
the end.

So, a visitor might come to your homepage through an AdWords ad and click on the “Make a
Donation” link, then go to your donation page, choose an amount to donate, go through the buying
process, and get your goal (or receipt) page to complete the Funnel Path.

In the Goal Funnel Report, the middle column of green funnels represent the steps in one of your
Funnel Paths, or the pages within your site on the way to your receipt or goal page. Overlaid on each
green funnel step is the percentage and number of visitors still in the funnel at each step.

On the right are the visitors who left the funnel (pages within your site) and where they went, whether
they left your site and went somewhere else on the web or somewhere else on your site.

Shown at left are the Entrance Points, points from which visitors arrive to the funnel. Again these
might be places on your site or other sites on the web.

Benefits of Goals

• Easily see how many visitors reach a page
• Understand where visitors may be falling off the path along the way
• Use this information to improve site content and design
• Goals help you make smarter decisions about your marketing efforts
by telling you:
• Which marketing campaign or referral converted the most visitors
• Geographic location of converted visitors
• Keywords that lead to goal conversion

To set up your goals:

• Click the Analytics tab in your AdWords account
• Click the Edit link under Settings next to the profile for which you want to create
a goal
Eg:-Ecomm App

step1: home page ->home.html
step2:listing page ->list.html
step3: product details page ->details.html
step4: Add to cart / my bag -> cart.html
step5: checkout  -> checout.html
step6: order completed page  ->order.html

In the Goal URL field, type the web address that marks a successful conversion
when reached. This might be your receipt “Thank You” page or subscription
confirmation page.

Make sure to specify the full URL, including the “http://” prefix
• In the Goal name field, give the goal a name as you want it to appear in your
Goal and Funnel reports. The name should be one you will easily recognize; for
example, “Volunteer Sign-Up,” “Newsletter Sign-Up,” “Donation,” etc.
• Then choose whether to activate the goal. Turn the goal On or Off depending on
whether you want Google to track this conversion goal at that time. Generally,
you’ll want to set the Active Goal selection to On.

The final step is to configure additional settings:

If the URLs entered in the funnel or goal are Case sensitive, select this
• For example, if home.htm is a different page than Home.htm, check this
• If you are using dynamic URLs, you may wish to make use of the
matching options when entering funnel or goal URLs. For more
information on this option, review the Help Center article on Match
Types from the link at the end of the guide.
If you wish to set a value, enter the amount in the Goal value field
• The Goal value is the value used in Analytics return on investment
• You can either set a value for the page, or use a dynamic value pulled
from your e-commerce receipt page
• If you wish to use dynamic value, leave this field blank and refer to the
Help Center article on Dynamic Values (See page 45)
Click Save Changes to create this goal or Cancel to exit without saving

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