Monday 27 June 2016

Google Analytics-7 Content Grouping

Google Analytics-7 Content Grouping:

Create a Content Grouping

    Click Admin at the top of any Analytics page.
    Use the menu in the View column to select the view you want.
    Click Content Grouping.
    Click Create New Content Grouping.
    Enter a name for the new grouping.
    Select the methods you want to use (tracking code, extraction, or rules) to create Content Groups.

Method1: Create a content group via the tracking code
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    Under GROUP BY TRACKING CODE, click Enable Tracking Code.
    Make sure the Enable option is set to On.
    Select an index number (1-5) to identify your Content Grouping.
    Click Done.

When you modify your tracking code, you use an index number (1-5) to identify the Content Grouping, and you use a group name to identify your Content Group:

    analytics.js: ga('set', 'contentGroup<Index Number>', '<Group Name>');

For example, if you’re configuring a Content Grouping for Clothing identified by the Index Number 1, and within that creating a Content Group called Men, you would have the following:

    analytics.js: ga('set', 'contentGroup1', 'Men');

For each contentGroup or _setPageGroup call, you can identify only one Index Number - Group Name pair.

The tracking-code modification is only a single line in the Analytics tracking code on each of your web pages or app screens.

Method2: Assign content via extraction
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You can extract pages by Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name. Identify each one with a regex capture group (Analytics uses the first capture group for each expression).

Click Add extraction, then select either Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name.

In the field to the right, enter the value you want to match. For example:

    Page > /Men/(.*)/
        Creates a Content Group for each subdirectory of /Men/, and adds the pages in each subdirectory to the corresponding Content Group
    Page Title > (.*shirts).*
        Creates Content Groups for pages that contain the word shirts

Method3: Assign content via a rule set
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If you use this option, you create rules to assign content.

To open the rules editor, click Create a rule set.

For each rule:

    Enter the name you want to use for the Content Group.
    Under Define rules, select either Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name.
    Select a matching option and enter a value to match. For example:
        Page > contains > /Pants/
            Adds all pages that have /Pants/ in the URL to the Content Group
    Click OR or AND to add an OR or AND condition to the rule. Follow the instructions above to define the additional condition.
    When you have defined all the conditions you want to use, click Done.
    After you finish all your configuration for the group, click Save.

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