UI Interview QA - Prepare in 3 Days/ 3 hours/

1) https://github.com/sudheerj/javascript-interview-questions#what-is-a-short-circuit-condition (460qa)

2)https://github.com/lydiahallie/javascript-questions (155 prog output a)

3)https://github.com/sudheerj/reactjs-interview-questions (89 qa )

3.1) https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/reactjs-tutorial/reactjs-interview-questions(40QA)


3.3)https://www.edureka.co/blog/interview-questions/javascript-interview-questions/ (60qa)

3.4)https://www.thatjsdude.com/interview/js1.html  (Problem solving QA)

3.5)https://github.com/AlbertoMontalesi/The-complete-guide-to-modern-JavaScript/tree/master/ebook (es5,6,7,8,9,20)

6)https://github.com/gnganapath/awesome-javascript    JS libs list

1. HTML5
  1. Key goals & motivations for HTML5 specifications
  2. HTML5 semantics
  3. HTML5 key features - API, Geo DD, Storage, Web works, Audio, Video, Canvas
  4. How to achieve copyright in HTML5
  5. Different type of HTML5 storage 
  6. How to add space around HTML/Div element
  7. doctype means
  8. How to reduce page load time (img, http, custom, CSS top, js bottom, body, CDN)
  9. How to support multilingual website - i18n, i10n, G12n
  10. HTML element vs tags, attributes
  11. Difference between Div, frame vs frameset
  12. What are new elements in HTML5

2. CSS3, Bootstrap
  1. How to do achieve multi column property in CSS3
  2. CSS3 positions: static, fixed, flexible, relative, inherit, initial, fluid
  3. scrollable repeat-x, repeat-y
  4. Pseudocode in css
  5. CSS- property method, elements, id, class
  6. CSS multi browser compatibility
  7. Fluid Vs Responsive Vs Adaptive
  8. Display :none Vs Visibility:hidden
  9. jumbotron
  10. How to make custom column in Bootstrap - col-18 in BST
  11. BST call property (xs,sm,md,lg,xl)

3.JavaScript, jQuery
  1. Main purpose of return in functions
  2. Schema - Set of objects
  3. How to fix cross browser issue
  4. AJAX request using jQuery
  5. getscript() and getjson()
  6. JavaScript Datatypes
  7. Scopes in JS - Global Vs Local
  8. JScript Vs JavaScript
  9. CDN
  10. Offline application support/ webSQL
  11. stop event propagation Vs event default
  12. $this Vs this in JS
  13. What is closure and its advantages?
  14. Call Vs Apply - when to use
  15. Return type of Angular 1 service
  16. Prototype inheritance in JS
  17. How to customize jQuery
  18. Use of  ' strict mode'
  19. How many ways to create objects in JS
  20. Variable, Scopes - Global and Local in JS
  21. http protocols and http methods
  22. Prototype - What type of prototype makes more sense
  23. java design patterns - factory
  24. Find missing numbers in an array.
  25. How to add and remove an item from array
  26. Apply & watch in JS
  27. onload Vs $(document.ready)
  28. Sort an array in JS without sorting method
  29. event bubbling in JS
  30. Types in JavaScript
  31. How to split string in JS
  32. How to split strings & numbers using Regular Expression


  1. How to define an array in JS
  2. How to find variable types
  3. equality Vs equal
  4. JavaScript - Synchronous Vs Asynchronous
  5. this keyword use (self)
  6. JavaScript are passed by reference
  7. Difference between constructor  Vs other methods
  8. Errors in JS
  9. Hoisting in JS
  10. delay, setimeout, sleep
  11. callback function
  12. link function
  13. what is object
  14. Different ways to create object
  15. Scope variable - Global & Local
  16. public, private & static variables in JS
  17. What is prototype
5.Angular JS 1

  1. routescope Vs scope
  2. What is scope
  3. Why are we using minified JS
  4. Way to track error in JS
  5. $call Vs $apply 
  6. Return type of Angular 1.x service
  7. Valid directive - ng-model, ngmodel, ng:model, ng_model, data-ng-model, x-ng-model
  8. ng-app, ng-model, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-class, ng-src
  9. Event Listeners
  10. How to make unit test in ng-app
  11. apply css using ternary based in ngclass
  12. $index ng-repeat usage
  13. $scope- matches
  14. yeoman testing tool, karma, E2E
  15. How to create custom directive in NG
  16. Different types of Directives
  17. What is linking function? Different types of linking function
  18. What is injector?
  19. $scope.apply Vs $scope.digest
  20. What is two way data- binding?
  21. Advantages in NG
  22. ng-provider Vs ng-rootprovider
  23. How to achieve multilingual application in NG
  24. $watch
  25. How to validate data in NG
  26. $eval Vs $scope
  27. Debug NG application
  28. Can we have nested controller
  29. What is jsframework, SPA, MVC, NG?
  30. Key features of ng
  31. How to include / initialize ng in project
  32. Expression, Scope
  33. D.I
  34. How to check error validation in partial form
  35. Template
  36. What is routing in ng
  37. custom filter creation
  38. ng-include, ng-replace
  39. ng-include Vs ng-template Vs ng-replace
  40. cross origin request error
  41. $apply Vs $watch
  42. Factory Vs Service Vs Route provider
  43. How to share data between controller 
  44. Can we create more than one module for our app
  45. interceptors in ng
  46. How to add 'header: Allow' in all Angular js application
  47. What will happen in NG if setimeout==0
  48. Create custom direction in NG. Difference between components.
  49. One way Vs Two way databinding
  50. defend object
  51. Angularjs digest lifecycle
  52. $dirty, $pristine
  1. Can we implement ng1 &ng2 in same application
  2. ng1 to ng2 conversion
  3. Approach 1 Start Ng2 from scratch, Approach2 follow ng2 migration rules.
  4. What is typescript?
  5. What is ECMACscript?
  6. How to configure Routes in Ng2
  7. Access Modifiers using in components. Which not use in NG4
  8. Diff b/w Var , Let and Const
  9. Template driven forms and Reactive forms
  10. Building blocks of Form Builder
  11. ng2 life cycle methods
  12. ECMA script 2016 Vs 2015
  13. npm modules
  14. ng2 - observables
  15. observables Vs Immutable
  16. How to achieve promises in NG2
  17. Use of import & export
  18. arrow function
  19. How will one way and two way data binding works

7. System Test

  1. Write code to add 3 controls in single module
  2. Code for data - binding
  3. Looping with ng-respect
  4. Simple controller
  5. Filtering & Sorting
  6. Stripped data table using ng-repeat
  7. ng-switch view
  8. selected id
  9. custom directive concatenation in ng. Component Vs Custom directive
  10. ng- swipe - right/left
  11. Draw line between two points.
  12. MBAN Stack development
  13. Custom directive and make child level changes to parent level.
html, css JS inter Q
Mock JS interview Q
React Int Q

tks - js list 1
tks - 150 quiz
coding output
RxJS promise
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tks JS desing patterns
tks js for dev
tks js int q
js int q2
js hack - es6-es7
tks react int q
swiggy react
react testing - jest
testing diff js frameworks
react component testing
tks react complete course

CE - React Typescript webpack 
CE - React router
CE -react mat-ui
CE - react redux 
CE- styled component
CE - React TS webpack
CE - storybook
CE - rendering
CE - React Query
CE - React Testing

DM - react redux
DM - react hooks

js output

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