Monday, 27 June 2016

Google Analytics-8 E-commerce Tracking

Google Analytics-8 E-commerce Tracking:

Enable Ecommerce in your reports:

You need to enable Ecommerce reporting in the view in which you want to see the data.

    Sign in to your Analytics account.
    Navigate to the desired account, property and view.
    In the VIEW column, select Ecommerce Settings.
    Click the Enable Ecommerce toggle ON.
    Optional: Click the Enable Related Products toggle ON.
    Click Next step.
    Click Submit.

Tracking setup with Google Tag Manager:

Ecommerce Tracking

There are two main types of of ecommerce implementation methods:

Standard ecommerce reports in Google Analytics allow you to analyze purchase activity on your site or app. You can see product and transaction information, average order value, ecommerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other data.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
   'transactionId': '1234',
   'transactionAffiliation': 'Acme Clothing',
   'transactionTotal': 38.26,
   'transactionTax': 1.29,
   'transactionShipping': 5,
   'transactionProducts': [{
       'sku': 'DD44',
       'name': 'T-Shirt',
       'category': 'Apparel',
       'price': 11.99,
       'quantity': 1
       'sku': 'AA1243544',
       'name': 'Socks',
       'category': 'Apparel',
       'price': 9.99,
       'quantity': 2

Enhanced ecommerce adds functionality by allowing you to see when customers have added items to their shopping carts, when they have started the checkout process, and when they have completed a purchase. You can also use Enhanced Ecommerce to identify segments of customers who are falling out of the shopping funnel.

function() {
 var ecommerceData = {
   'ecommerce' : {
     currencyCode : 'EUR',
     // add additional parameters as needed...
 return ecommerceData;

Both methods of ecommerce tracking can be implemented with Google Tag Manager:
Google Analytics-9 User ID setup:

Find the User ID setup flow in your account:

The User ID is set at the property level. To find a property, click Admin, then select an account and a property. From the Property column, click Tracking Info then User ID.

Follow the step-by-step flow. Click the blue buttons to complete an action and move on to the Next step. After you complete a step, you can click edit at any time to revise your selections.

Analytics-> audience -> user Explorer -> List of client ID.......

user Demoghic- > browser details, time, timezone, country , state, city, browser details., etc.....

Set up the User ID in your tracking code

After you enable the User ID by agreeing to the policy, you must implement the User ID in your tracking code. To use the User ID, you must be able to generate your own unique IDs, assign IDs to new users and consistently reassign IDs to returning users, and include these IDs in the data you send to Analytics. This step should be completed by a developer, see the Related resources section below for more information.

You can use the User ID for both websites and mobile apps. Both types of Google Analytics views (app and web) will accept both web and app hits and report them together. When using User ID, we recommend that you maintain a consolidated view that includes all types of hits, and that you configure filtered views to isolate web and app hits as necessary.

You can also click the toggle to turn session unification OFF at this step. Learn more about session unification.

Google Analytics-7 Content Grouping

Google Analytics-7 Content Grouping:

Create a Content Grouping

    Click Admin at the top of any Analytics page.
    Use the menu in the View column to select the view you want.
    Click Content Grouping.
    Click Create New Content Grouping.
    Enter a name for the new grouping.
    Select the methods you want to use (tracking code, extraction, or rules) to create Content Groups.

Method1: Create a content group via the tracking code
-------   --------------------------------------

    Under GROUP BY TRACKING CODE, click Enable Tracking Code.
    Make sure the Enable option is set to On.
    Select an index number (1-5) to identify your Content Grouping.
    Click Done.

When you modify your tracking code, you use an index number (1-5) to identify the Content Grouping, and you use a group name to identify your Content Group:

    analytics.js: ga('set', 'contentGroup<Index Number>', '<Group Name>');

For example, if you’re configuring a Content Grouping for Clothing identified by the Index Number 1, and within that creating a Content Group called Men, you would have the following:

    analytics.js: ga('set', 'contentGroup1', 'Men');

For each contentGroup or _setPageGroup call, you can identify only one Index Number - Group Name pair.

The tracking-code modification is only a single line in the Analytics tracking code on each of your web pages or app screens.

Method2: Assign content via extraction
-------   ---------------------------

You can extract pages by Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name. Identify each one with a regex capture group (Analytics uses the first capture group for each expression).

Click Add extraction, then select either Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name.

In the field to the right, enter the value you want to match. For example:

    Page > /Men/(.*)/
        Creates a Content Group for each subdirectory of /Men/, and adds the pages in each subdirectory to the corresponding Content Group
    Page Title > (.*shirts).*
        Creates Content Groups for pages that contain the word shirts

Method3: Assign content via a rule set
-------   ------------------------------

If you use this option, you create rules to assign content.

To open the rules editor, click Create a rule set.

For each rule:

    Enter the name you want to use for the Content Group.
    Under Define rules, select either Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name.
    Select a matching option and enter a value to match. For example:
        Page > contains > /Pants/
            Adds all pages that have /Pants/ in the URL to the Content Group
    Click OR or AND to add an OR or AND condition to the rule. Follow the instructions above to define the additional condition.
    When you have defined all the conditions you want to use, click Done.
    After you finish all your configuration for the group, click Save.

Google Analytics-6 Custome Dashboard

Google Analytics-6 Custome Dashboard:

Create your Dashboard

To create a Dashboard, navigate to your view, then:

    Select the Reporting tab.
    Select Dashboards.
    Click +New Dashboard.
    In the Create Dashboard dialog, select either Blank Canvas (no widgets) or Starter Dashboard (default set of widgets).
        You can also import Dashboard configurations from the Solutions Gallery.
    Give your Dashboard a descriptive title, then click Create Dashboard.

Add widgets to your Dashboard

A Dashboard can have one or more instances of the following kinds of widgets:

    Metric—displays a simple numeric representation of a single selected metric.
    Timeline—displays a graph of the selected metric over time. You can compare this to a secondary metric.
    Geomap—displays a map of the selected region, with the specified metric plotted on the map. Hover over the map to see the actual metric values.
    Table—displays up to 2 metrics describing the selected dimension, laid out in tabular format.
    Pie—displays a pie chart of the selected metric grouped by a dimension. Mouse over a slice to see the specific metric values.
    Bar—displays a bar chart of the selected metric grouped by up to 2 dimensions. Mouse over a slice to see the specific metric values.

Standard vs. Real-time widgets

Some of the available widgets can display their data in real-time. These widgets update the metrics automatically (standard widgets, by comparison, update when you load or refresh the Dashboard).

Real-time widgets can display only the Active Users or Pageviews metrics, depending on the widget. The following widget types are available as real-time widgets:

    Counter—displays a count of the active users on your site. You can optionally group these users by a selected dimension.
    Timeline—displays a timeline graph of pageviews on your site for the past 30 to 60 minutes.
    Geomap—displays a map showing where your active users are coming from.
    Table—plots a table of your active users against up to 3 selected dimensions.

Add a linked report directly to your Dashboard

Another way to link a report to your Dashboard is to add it directly from the Analytics reporting tool.

    Locate or create the report you want to see in your Dashboard.
    Click Add to Dashboard below the report title.
    Select an existing Dashboard, or create a new one by clicking New Dashboard.
    Select the check boxes for the Dashboard widgets you want to include (e.g., table, pie chart, timeline). You can add up to 2 widgets per report to your Dashboard. You can change the widget titles using the Click to Edit links.
    Click Add to Dashboard.

Customize the dash board and delete the dash board.

Google Analytics-5 Filters and View level filters

Google Analytics-5 Filters and View level filters:


Users who have Edit permission at the account level can:

    Create/edit filters at the account level
    Create/edit filters at the view level
    Apply filters to any view in the account

Users who have Edit permission at the view level can:

    Apply existing filters to or remove them from that view, but cannot create new filters or edit existing filters

To create a filter at the account level:

    Sign in to your Analytics account.
    Select the Admin tab and navigate to the account in which you want to create the filter.
    In the ACCOUNT column, click All Filters.
    Click + New Filter.
    Select Create new Filter.
    Enter a name for the filter.
    Select Predefined filter to select from the predefined filter types.
    Select Custom filter to construct a custom filter from the options we provide. If you create a custom filter, consult our definitions of the filter fields.
    From the Available views list, select the views to which you want to apply the filter, then click Add.
    Click Save.

By default, view filters are applied to the data in the order in which the filters were added. So, if there are existing filters for a view, your new filter is applied after them. Follow the instructions to change the filter order for a view, below.
Create a filter at the view level

To create a filter at the view level:

    Sign in to your Analytics account.
    Select the Admin tab and navigate to the view in which you want to create the filter.
    In the VIEW column, click Filters.
    Click + New Filter.
    Select Create new Filter.
    Enter a name for the filter.
    Select Predefined filter to select from the predefined filter types.
    Select Custom filter to construct a custom filter from the options we provide. If you create a custom filter, consult our definitions of the filter fields.
    From the Available views list, select the views to which you want to apply the filter, then click Add.
    Click Save.

To change the filter order for a view

    Sign in to your Analytics account.
    Select the Admin tab and navigate to the view in which you want to create the filter.
    In the VIEW column, click Filters.
    Click Assign Filter Order, select the filter you want to move, then click Move up or Move down. Click Save when you are finished.
    If you want to remove a filter from the view, click remove in the row for that filter.

To add existing filters to or remove them from a view

    Sign in to your Analytics account.
    Select the Admin tab and navigate to the view in which you want to add or remove filters.
    In the VIEW column, click Filters.
    Click + New Filter.
    Select Apply existing Filter.
    Add or remove the filters as necessary.
    Click Save.

GA-4 : Goals and Funnels - Conversion

Google Analytics-4 Goals Setting: Funnel Set up

Goals you can able to view:-> login Analytics->Left menu-> conversion-> Goals -> expend the list for goals and funnel visualization.
Introduction to Goals
Goal: a page which a visitor reaches once they have completed an action
You define goals based on the purpose of your website and the actions
you want your visitors to take. Goals are often called conversions.
Examples of common goals include:
• A donation receipt page
• A newsletter confirmation
• Any other page to which you are trying drive your visitors

Goals are often called conversions, since on e-commerce sites, visitors are
converted to customers. In this case, visitors might be converted to volunteers
or sponsors as well.

The path to your goal is called a Funnel Path. Technically speaking, a Funnel Path is a series of pages
through which a visitor is expected to pass before reaching the conversion goal.

The Funnel Path is like a video game where the player has to pass through specific doors to reach the
prize at the end. In this case, you just need to identify which doors, or pages in your site, the visitor
has to go through (visit) to get the prize (your goal of a donation, volunteer, newsletter sign up, etc) at
the end.

So, a visitor might come to your homepage through an AdWords ad and click on the “Make a
Donation” link, then go to your donation page, choose an amount to donate, go through the buying
process, and get your goal (or receipt) page to complete the Funnel Path.

In the Goal Funnel Report, the middle column of green funnels represent the steps in one of your
Funnel Paths, or the pages within your site on the way to your receipt or goal page. Overlaid on each
green funnel step is the percentage and number of visitors still in the funnel at each step.

On the right are the visitors who left the funnel (pages within your site) and where they went, whether
they left your site and went somewhere else on the web or somewhere else on your site.

Shown at left are the Entrance Points, points from which visitors arrive to the funnel. Again these
might be places on your site or other sites on the web.

Benefits of Goals

• Easily see how many visitors reach a page
• Understand where visitors may be falling off the path along the way
• Use this information to improve site content and design
• Goals help you make smarter decisions about your marketing efforts
by telling you:
• Which marketing campaign or referral converted the most visitors
• Geographic location of converted visitors
• Keywords that lead to goal conversion

To set up your goals:

• Click the Analytics tab in your AdWords account
• Click the Edit link under Settings next to the profile for which you want to create
a goal
Eg:-Ecomm App

step1: home page ->home.html
step2:listing page ->list.html
step3: product details page ->details.html
step4: Add to cart / my bag -> cart.html
step5: checkout  -> checout.html
step6: order completed page  ->order.html

In the Goal URL field, type the web address that marks a successful conversion
when reached. This might be your receipt “Thank You” page or subscription
confirmation page.

Make sure to specify the full URL, including the “http://” prefix
• In the Goal name field, give the goal a name as you want it to appear in your
Goal and Funnel reports. The name should be one you will easily recognize; for
example, “Volunteer Sign-Up,” “Newsletter Sign-Up,” “Donation,” etc.
• Then choose whether to activate the goal. Turn the goal On or Off depending on
whether you want Google to track this conversion goal at that time. Generally,
you’ll want to set the Active Goal selection to On.

The final step is to configure additional settings:

If the URLs entered in the funnel or goal are Case sensitive, select this
• For example, if home.htm is a different page than Home.htm, check this
• If you are using dynamic URLs, you may wish to make use of the
matching options when entering funnel or goal URLs. For more
information on this option, review the Help Center article on Match
Types from the link at the end of the guide.
If you wish to set a value, enter the amount in the Goal value field
• The Goal value is the value used in Analytics return on investment
• You can either set a value for the page, or use a dynamic value pulled
from your e-commerce receipt page
• If you wish to use dynamic value, leave this field blank and refer to the
Help Center article on Dynamic Values (See page 45)
Click Save Changes to create this goal or Cancel to exit without saving

GA3- Grant Access to user - User creation

Google Analytics-3: Grant Access to other user:

For those of you who work with other people to manage your website, you may
want to grant them access to your Analytics account so they can view reports
and get detailed information about your site’s performance. Google Analytics
provides the ability to add any number of users to your account, and to grant
varying levels of access to your reports. Access to particular reports and
domains is configured through a combination of profile access and report
dashboards and categories.
To grant access to another user:
• Make sure that they already have a free Google Account
• Then go to the Analytics tab within your AdWords account and click on the
Access Manager
• From the Access Manager, click Add User

• From the drop down menu, select the Access type for the new user
• Choose an Access type from the drop down menu

You have the choice of allowing them to View reports only, or access as
an Account Administrator, where they’ll be able to edit account settings
as well as view reports. If you select View reports only, select the
profiles (or websites) to which this user should have access (note that
Account Admins have access to all profiles). If you’ve only created one
profile (or site) , you will still want to select the profile.
• Click Add to move these profiles into the Selected Website Profiles list
• Click Finish to create the new user

GA2- Resource URL

Resource URL

Google AdWords Help Center: http;// How-to’s and troubleshooting for your AdWords account linked to Analytics
Google Analytics Help Center: Analytics specific questions
Google Analytics Blog: Latest news, tips and resources from the Google Analytics team.
Marketing optimization at Conversion University: Learn about marketing and content optimization and read web analytics tips
Analytics User Forum: Tips, tricks, experience, advice and bulletin board for questions between Analytics users
Match Types: Definitions of the different match types
Goals and Funnels for Dynamic Sites: Description of dynamic values
Advanced Goals: In depth FAQ for setting up advanced goals
Analytics Glossary: tml Look up Google Analytics terminology



URL: The website’s address. Ex:
Sub-domain: A directory that falls within another directory.
Goal: A page within your site that the visitor reaches once they’ve completed the activity you desire.
Ex: A Thank You page
Conversion: A completed goal is considered a conversion.
Funnel: The series of pages a visitor goes to on their way to your goal page.
Abandonment Point: The page a user visited after leaving a step in your funnel
Entrance Point: The page a user visited just before entering your funnel. This isn’t always your
Referral: The source that sends visitors to your site. This can be a search engine, link on another site,
an ad, etc
Orders: The individual conversions completed on your goal page. Ex: A visitor may make four
donations on your site at once, but they only count as one conversion because they only reach the
goal page once. However, that would count as four individual orders.
Dynamic URL: A URL that results from the search of a website or the URL of a website that runs a

Match Types: There are three match types that allow you to control how your funnel steps and goal
page will be matched with the URLs your users visit
Flash: Web design software which creates web animations that run on your website.
Auto-Tagging: An option in your linked AdWords account that lets you tag all keywords in your
account so that Analytics can report back on their performance. This saves time and keeps you from
having to manually tag individual keywords.
E-commerce: The buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds, through digital
communications typically using a shopping cart.
Cookie: A small amount of text data given to a web browser by a web server. For example, a
protected site may store a temporary identifier in a cookie after you successfully log in,
indicating that you are an authorized user.
3rd Party Shopping Cart: Another website that hosts your online shopping. Ex: Cafepress is the 3rd
Party shopping cart for Cash for Critters.
Date Range: The start and end dates of your reporting time period.
Visits: A defined quantity of visitor interaction with a website
Page views: Any file or content delivered by a web server that would generally be considered a web
document. Each time a file defined as a page is served, a pageview is registered by Google Analytics.
Source: T he means by which a user reached your site

Setup - Google Analytics - Tracking metrics & statics

Set up Analytics tracking

Learn how to set up tracking for websites, apps, or other devices.
Find your tracking ID or tracking code snippet

To set up Google Analytics tracking, you’ll usually need either your Analytics tracking ID or the entire Javascript tracking code snippet. This corresponds to your Analytics property. To find the tracking ID and code snippet:

     step1: Sign in to your Analytics account. url ->  user id ->
     step2: Select the Admin tab.
     step3: Select an account from the drop-down menu in the ACCOUNT column.
     step4: Select a property from the drop-down menu in the PROPERTY column.
     step5: Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.


  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-76621271-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');


Analytics ID is UA-76621271-1.It's unique for every account.

 set up tracking:

Static website
Dynamic website
SPA (Ecom) Website
Web-hosting service (you don’t manage source code)
Website using Google Tag Manager
Mobile apps (Android, iOS)
Internet-connected device

Static website

A static website is one in which the page HTML is NOT generated using a programming language or interface such Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must copy and paste the Analytics tracking code into the source code on every web page you wish to track.

    Once you have the Javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
    Paste your tracking code snippet (unaltered, in its entirety) before the closing </head> tag on every web page on your site you wish to track.

Dynamic website

A dynamic website is one in which the HTML is generated using a programming language such as Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must include the Analytics tracking code in the source code on every web page you wish to track. You can use a common include or template to push the tracking code dynamically into every page.

    Once you have the Javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
    Paste your tracking code snippet into its own include file, then include it in your page header, so that the snippet appears before the closing </head> tag on every web page on your site you wish to track.
eg php site------>

<?php include_once("analyticstracking.php") ?>

Single Page Application Dynamic website - Ecom

Once you have the Javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
    Paste your tracking code snippet (unaltered, in its entirety) before the closing </head> tag on every web page on your site you wish to track in index.html. It will work on All over the web sites.

GTM Setup and installation

To get started managing your tags using Google Tag Manager:

    Go to to create a Google Tag Manager account (or to access an existing account
    Create a container for your site or app.
    For websites: Add the container snippet to your site while removing any existing tags.
    For mobile apps: Implementation of Tag Manager for mobile apps is done in conjunction with the Firebase SDK. See the Android or iOS documentation for more information.

GTM - Creating an account and container

    From the Home/All Accounts page in Google Tag Manager, click Create Account. (You can always get to this screen by clicking on the Tag Manager icon in the far upper left corner of the screen.)
    Enter an account name, optionally select the checkboxes to enable sharing data anonymously with Google and others and click Continue.
    Enter a container name when prompted in the Setup Container dialog. Select the container for Web, iOS, or Android. If setting up a mobile container, select whether you're using the Firebase SDK or one of the legacy SDKs. Click Create.
    Review the Terms of Service and click Yes if you agree to those terms.
    When your new container first loads, you will be prompted with the web container installation code snippet, or to get started with Tag Manager as part of the SDK for your chosen mobile platform. Click OK to clear this dialog (you can always set up your container first and install the container snippet or SDK later.)

GTM - Adding the container to web pages (UA tracking code is reduntant- use any once GA or GTM tracking code)
Near the top of your container's home screen, you will see your container ID number (formatted as "GTM-XXXXX"). Click it to launch the Install Google Tag Manager box.
Copy and paste the code snippet into your website. Paste this code so that it appears immediately after the opening <body> tag on every page on your site. 

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe src="//"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

At this point, you’ve set up your account and installed the tracking code on every
page of your web site so that Analytics can start gathering data on your site. After
just 24 hours, you’ll be able to login to your Analytics account in AdWords and see
results about your visitors!

HTML Table view - > 3x2 table in div and css3 center content

HTML Table view - > 3x2 table in div and css3 center content:



 <li class="ie-browser">
            <div class="ie_icon_browser">
                <img src="images/Google_browser_icon.png" alt="chrome" />
                <span class="ie-chrome">chrome</span>
            <div class="ie_icon_browser">
                <img src="images/Firefox_browser_icon.png" />
                <span class="ie-ff">firefox </span>
            <div class="ie_icon_browser">
                <img src="images/Safari_browser_icon.png" alt="safari" />
                <span class="ie-safari">safari</span>


.ie_icon_browser {
    float: left;
    width: 33%;

.ie-browser:after {
    clear: both;
    display: block;
    content: '';

.ie-browser {
    width: 65%;
    margin: 0px auto;
} .ie_icon_browser span {
    display: block;

Data scientist in 2025 - guide YT

  Reference from YouTube Channel:  Sahil & Sarra ► Everything in one place: Datacamp Associate Data Scientist with Python Career Track: ...