Wednesday, 7 September 2016

AngularJS- Search form simple example and JSON object to Array Itration

    $scope.SearchChange = function(input){
        $scope.searchResult = searchAPI(input);

    $scope.searchclick = function(input, isLength){
        $scope.searchResult = searchAPI(input, isLength);

    function searchAPI(input, isLength){
        var output = {Customers: [], Sites : [], Groups : []};
        if(input.length >= 3 || isLength){
            $http.get('app/json/search.json').success(function(response) {
                    //Filter Customers
                    output.Customers = response.customers.rows.filter(function(x) {
                            return ? true : false

                    //Filter Sites
                    output.Sites = response.sites.rows.filter(function(x) {
                            return ? true : false
                    //Filter Groups
                    output.Groups = response.groups.rows.filter(function(x) {
                            return ? true : false

        return output;


 <form  role="search" id="customerform" >
                    <div class="input-group">
                        <input type="text" ng-disabled="disabled" class="form-control" placeholder="Search"  ng-model ="searchText" ng-change="SearchChange(searchText)" >
                        <span class="input-group-btn">  
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="searchclick(searchText, true)">
                                <i class="fa fa-search ng-scope" ng-if="!searching" slide-toggle="#searchresult"></i>
                         <div class="tool-tip-head hide ng-isolate-scope" tool-tip="" tool-tip-content="Please enter a valid search data">
                            <div class="tooltip bottom-right in tooltip-inner"><span class="tooltip-arrow"></span>
                            Please enter a valid search data</div>

 <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="customername in searchResult.Customers track by $index">
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="sitename in searchResult.Sites track by $index">
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="groupname in searchResult.Groups track by $index">


"success": true,
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"customers": {
"count": 11,
"rows": [{
"id": "1033453434536",
"name": " Infdgdfdia Pvt Ltd ."
}, {
"id": "13453453403",
"name": " Ltd."
}, {
"id": "1034534533",
"name": "Jagdfpan Corp."
}, {
"id": "10345345317",
"name": "! Inc. Asia"
}, {
"id": "4987998798144",
"name": " Idfgndia Pvt Ltd."
}, {
"id": "10190571",
"name": " Switzerland Server Services SARL"
}, {
"id": "145098989882674",
"name": "Yahoo! rPte Ltd."
}, {
"id": "0980980981034139",
"name": "Yahoo! Inc."
}, {
"id": "0980980981427949",
"name": "Yahodwo! Corp."
}, {
"id": "098098091033022",
"name": "Yaewrerhoo!7"
}, {
"id": "0980910260d65",
"name": "Yahdfoo! Research Ltd."
"sites": {
"count": 75,
"rows": [{
"id": "0980981083960",
"name": Oogfgdfaki"
}, {
"id": "098092168076",
"name": "Ogadfgdfdfgki"
}, {
"id": "0980982168601",
"name": Cordfgdfporation"
}, {
"id": "1501bvfdg857",
"name": "Yahodfgdfgdffdgo-Kitakyushu"
}, {
"id": "22101ddfgf48",
"name": Corpdfgdfgoration"
}, {
"id": "180dfg5685",
"name": "Yahoo - 19 Rue FR"
}, {
"id": "980981058568",
"name": "Yahoo!Shaftesbur y Avenue"
}, {
"id": "0981044051",
"name": "yacxvhoo-londxcvon"
}, {
"id": "092129136",
"name": "YAHOO! - C/O TEcvLECITY"
}, {
"id": "0981747259",
"name": "Yahoxcvxcvo!  Electronics"
}, {
"id": "0981090795",
"name": "yahoo!inc-Geneva"
}, {
"id": "0981803977",
"name": "Yahccxvoo! ut 175 HU"
}, {
"id": "9801803947",
"name": "Yahoo! Spadolini 7 Floor 9IT"
}, {
"id": "8902161968",
"name": "Yahoo! 2 BallycoolinIE"
}, {
"id": "891803984",
"name": "Yahoo! Maria de Molina 4 ES"
}, {
"id": "1667553981",
"name": "Yahoo! Europe Ltd. Bus IE"
}, {
"id": "090981817239",
"name": "Yahoo! Deutsc hlaGmbH-
}, {
"id": "160q324262",
"name": "Yahoo! Inc."
}, {
"id": "1722434322343239",
"name": "Yahvvcxoo! Pte. Ltd."
}, {
"id": "182342312775",
"name": "Yahoo!"
}, {
"id": "108453960",
"name": "Yahoo-Oogzxczaki"
}, {
"id": "1051345196",
"name": "Yahoo-Otesdfmachi"
}, {
"id": "2328134562",
"name": "Yahoo-Shinsfdgfdghirakawa"
}, {
"id": "3451501857",
"name": "Yaxzxcvhoo-Kitadfgfdgkyushu"
}, {
"id": "341848413",
"name": "YahXcxzoo! Dfdgdfg Telecity"
}, {
"id": "341083895",
"name": "Yahoo -Bangalore-s Embassy Golf L"
}, {
"id": "341056349",
"name": "Yahoo sdfs sdf1"
}, {
"id": "1345989963",
"name": "Yafsdfhoo - sdfds sdf"
}, {
"id": "13443501857",
"name": "Yahosdfo-Kitasdfsdskyushu"
}, {
"id": "134435920944",
"name": "yahoo-otemasdsdfsdfchi"
}, {
"id": "1345083960",
"name": "Yasdfsd-Oogsdfdsfaki"
}, {
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"name": "Ysdf! Asia Pasdfsdfdscific Pte. Ltd."
}, {
"id": "1435430946",
"name": "sdfahsdfoo TPsdfdsfdsf2- Taiwan"
}, {
"id": "2341036582",
"name": "sdfahoo-Taisdfsdfdsfwan"
}, {
"id": "234231476048",
"name": "Yahoo TsdfsdfW1"
}, {
"id": "2341075192",
"name": "Ya324hoo! CsdfdsfH1"
}, {
"id": "2341090795",
"name": "ysehjjahoo!inc-Gesdsdfneva"
}, {
"id": "2341075192",
"name": "hoosdf! CHsdfsdfs1"
}, {
"id": "2341604262",
"name": "Yaklkohoo! sdfsdfsdInc."
}, {
"id": "2342418363",
"name": "dsfklYophoo! Inc. sdfdsf- Playsdfdsa Vista"
}, {
"id": "767561835274",
"name": "Yahoo! Inc.Nsdfsdew York111sdfsdf W 40th dsfSt Fl 12US"
}, {
"id": "4651729554",
"name": "Yahoo! Asia Pasdfdsfcific Pte. Ltd"
}, {
"id": "564561747259",
"name": "Yahoo! C/Ofgdfg fdgfd Electronics"
}, {
"id": "4564561430947",
"name": "Yahoo! Inc.xvxcvxc Asia"
}, {
"id": "1591185",
"name": "Yahsdfsdfoo! Inc. vbvcbvcb- Josdfrdan"
}, {
"id": "1430946",
"name": "Yafsdfhoo TP2xcvcxvcxv- Taiwan"
}, {
"id": "1828174",
"name": "yahoo TW1"
}, {
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"name": "Yasdfsdfhoo! Inc. xcvcxvcxAsia-Seoul"
}, {
"id": "644561355007",
"name": "Yahsdfoo! Eursdfope Ltdxcvcx.-Dublin 3-Esdfast Posdfint B usinedsfdsfss Park"
}, {
"id": "4564561723239",
"name": "Yasdfhoo! Asdfssia Pazxcxzccific Pte. Ltd."
}, {
"id": "24545632452130418",
"name": "YAasdasdHOO! INCzxcxzc. TW1"
}, {
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}, {
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"name": "Yaasdhoo! Inc.-Dublin."
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}, {
"id": "2342341452ertre675",
"name": "Yddsaahoo Singapxzcxzcxzcxzore (S) Ptzxcxze Ltd"
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"name": "Yagfasdsafhhoo! Dubzczxcxzczlin x- C/O Telecfdsfity"
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"groups": {
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"rows": [{
"id": "YAdfgfdgHOO DXB",
"name": "YAfdgfdgfdHOO DXB"
}, {
"id": "dfgINC",
"name": "YAHdfgfdgfdOO! INC"

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