Saturday, 2 March 2013

ios - Xcode sutup guide

Xcode Setup Guide

what is phonegap ? : ref link
Step 1 -- Install Xcode
Step 2 -- Using openFrameworks
Xcode Quirks: Spaces in main project folder name
Xcode Quirks: Adding files to project
Xcode 4.0 Notes, 10.7.2 and 10.8 Issue
Xcode is Apple's free gcc based IDE for OS X. You can download it from the Apple Developer Center, though you have to be registered as an apple developer. Registration is free and relatively painless.
Once you are logged in, select the link in the for Mac Dev Center
Download the latest version of Xcode 3 or Xcode 4.
Note: Currently there are two distinct version of Xcode - Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 ( for Lion ). We recommend Xcode 3 as Xcode 4 is still quite buggy and not as easy to navigate but openFrameworks does work on both.
Once the download completes, mount the installer and run the XcodeTools package. Click through the installer till you see the customize option.
Click it. This gives you the option to skip certain parts of the install. If you are short on disk space you'll probably want to skip the 1.3GB of developer documentation.
It is also recommended that you check any boxes that indicate support for older versions of OS X ie 10.5 / 10.6 etc.
The installer starts installing.
The Developer Tools installer will have installed a folder called Developer in the root (highest level) of your hardrive. The Xcode application is located at /Developer/Applications/
Now that Xcode has been successfully installed on your computer, it is time to check out the openFrameworks examples.
Note: these instructions largely apply to Xcode 3. For differences in Xcode 4, check out the Xcode 4 notes, below.
Download the openFrameworks examples from the download section of this website. Once downloaded and unzipped, place the folder in an appropriate location on your hardrive. Unzipped, the contents of the folder should look something like this:
The examples are located within the examples folder. Within each example folder is an Xcode project file (e.g. graphicsExample.xcodeproj) This file will open the Xcode project for that example.
When the example opens in Xcode, you will see a list of files in the left column and the content of the currently selected file (in this case testApp.cpp) in the right panel.
The first thing you will probably want to do is to compile and run the app to make sure it works. Along the top of the Xcode window you should see a button called Build and Run (or a "Play" button if using Xcode 4). This button will compile the example app. Assuming there are no errors, it should then launch the app successfully. If you get a ton of errors on the first compile, try going to the Build menu and selecting "Clean All Targets", then try compiling again.
Once the app is running -- you can terminate it by hitting the "Esc" key on your keyboard.
While the app is compiling you'll notice a little circular progress meter on the bottom right corner of the Xcode window. This indicates the percentage of the files compiled.
The yellow triangle and the number next to it indicates the number of warning messages from the compiler. Most of the time you can ignore the warning messages; if you would like to read them, click on the triangle and Xcode will open a separate window which will show them as a list.
If the compiler finds errors in your code, the compile will fail and you will see something like this in the bottom right hand corner of your Xcode window.
As with the warning messages, to view the errors click on the red circle and Xcode will bring up a new window where it will list the errors and attempt to highlight the line in the code where the errors occurred.
Bear in mind that the error message might not always make sense to you, but most of the time just showing you where the error is will be enough for you to realize where the error is.
For example, in looking at highlighted line above, it is quite easy to see that I forgot to put a coma betweenfrabk.tff (the font name I wanted to load) and 32 (the size I wanted to font to be).
If I insert the proper comma, both errors go away and the app compiles and launches nicely.
One of the most useful features of Xcode is the Debug Console. This is a console that will give youfeedback about your app while it is running.
To turn this on by default, go to Preferences > Debugging, and select On Start: Show Console. The Debug Console will now start automatically when you compile and run your application.
When the app launches, the first thing that is printed to the Debug Console is something like:
[Session started at 2007-02-25 15:34:07 +0100.]
When the app exits, it will print something like this
Program exited with status value:0.
The useful thing about the Debug Console is that you can print out to it while your app is running. See the ofLog function for details. If there are openFrameworks related messages or errors, they will be printed here as well.
The application that you are compiling and running with Xcode is located in the bin/ folder of each project directory. You can always run the application directly by double clicking it. Everything will be the same as when you launch it with Xcode except you won't see the Debug Console output.
Spaces in main project folder name: For some reason Xcode freaks out if your main project folder (the one that contains the apps and libs folder) has spaces in the name.
It will give linking errors, meaning it can't find certain libraries in the libs folder.
The folder name above, with the space between 'my' and 'apps', will give you all sorts of problems. Replacing the space with a dash or concatenating the spaces as below will keep everything happy.
Adding files to project: relative vs absolute path When you add source code files or libraries to your project, Xcode will ask you whether you wish the path to the file be a relative path or an absolute path.
As a rule for all files in your main openFrameworks folder and its sub-folders, make sure you choose Relative to Project. If you select Absolute Path, then everytime you move your openFrameworks folder around or onto another computer, Xcode will freak out because your files will have been listed with paths that don't exist anymore.
For example, a path like: /User/yourname/Documents/openFrameworksProjects means that the Xcode project will only work if the openFrameworks folder is in that specific place. Obviously this is not a good thing.
The default path it will give you is usually an absolute one so make sure you change it to Relative to Project before you click add.
The only files that should have absolute paths are the System Frameworks which you will most likely not need to add.
This is the ideal layout for your Xcode 4 project:
Xcode 4 has a completely redesigned interface. Here are some important differences:
Side bar view mode:
When you first open an openFrameworks project you might find the files in the sidebar aren't showing up. Click the folder icon at the top of the sidebar to show the traditional file view ( you might need to expand out the list with the sidebar arrows ).
Run button:
In Xcode 4 the Run button has replaced the "Build" and "Build and Run" buttons.
To compile and launch your app hit the "Run" button.
Select the correct Target:
You might also find that your example is not running.
This could be because the openFrameworks library and not the example project is set as the active target.
To correct this, select the example project name from the 'Scheme' drop down.
Change from Debug to Release:
When you are done with your app you will want to create a 'Release' version of this. In Xcode 3 this is as easy as switching the Build from Debug to Release mode. In Xcode 4 by default only Debug is enabled.
To switch to Release, select the "Edit Schemes" from the Schemes menu, then click your app in the sidebar and change the Build Configuration to Release.
Xcode 4 compiles code as you type so you might see red errors appear in your code before you build.
This is actually quite handy and can help you spot mistakes. Also the Errors icon which was in the bottom right corner of the window has now moved to the top panel.
If you get QuickTime MacSetRect errors on 10.7 with Xcode 4.0, this is because a part of your project is set to 10.7 SDK.
Currently OF doesn't build against the 10.7 SDK because of QT 7 dependencies.
To set the project back to 10.6 SDK follow these steps posted from this blog:
  • Switch from the openFrameworks scheme to the project scheme
  • Click on the project on the sidebar to bring up the settings
  • Change the Base SDK to 10.6
  • Repeat the previous line for the build target
  • Click on the openFrameworks folder in the sidebar
  • Click on the project to bring up the settings
  • Change the Base SDK to 10.6 like you did before
  • Repeat for the build target
Because 10.8 deprecates the 10.6 SDK, all QuickTime-based code in OF is broken. This means you need to manually install the 10.6 SDK until we have a replacement for quicktime. For instructions, check this thread on the forum.

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