Wednesday 7 May 2014

jquery mobile loading animation not showing:

jquery mobile loading animation not showing proper view / ICON's(JQM Icons)

JQM 1.4.2 js and CSS files using my workouts. JQM web site itself I download images folder.

(For icons and images to display)First try not worked. But, Copied that images FOLDER into css FOLDER.

Not change to folder name and file name. Run the code it should work.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <title>loader demo</title>
  <!--not working with local css <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/">-->
        <!--works if i use the //>   <!-- Now working with local CSS Also -->
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>

<div data-role="page" id="page1">
  <div role="main" class="ui-content">
    <div data-role="controlgroup">
      <button class="show-page-loading-msg" data-theme="b" data-textonly="false" data-textvisible="false" data-msgtext="" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right">Default loader</button>
      <button class="show-page-loading-msg" data-theme="b" data-textonly="true" data-textvisible="true" data-msgtext="Text only loader" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right">Text only</button>
      <button class="show-page-loading-msg" data-theme="b" data-textonly="false" data-textvisible="true" data-msgtext="Loading theme a" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right">Theme a</button>
      <button class="show-page-loading-msg" data-theme="a" data-textonly="false" data-textvisible="true" data-msgtext="Loading theme b" data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right">Theme b</button>
      <button class="show-page-loading-msg" data-theme="b" data-textonly="true" data-textvisible="true" data-msgtext="Custom Loader" data-icon="arrow-r" data-html="<span class='ui-bar ui-overlay-a ui-corner-all'><img src='../_assets/images/jquery-logo.png' /><h2>is loading for you ...</h2></span>" data-iconpos="right">Custom HTML</button>
      <button class="hide-page-loading-msg" data-icon="delete" data-iconpos="right">Hide</button>

$(document).on( "click", ".show-page-loading-msg", function() {
  var $this = $( this ),
  theme = $this.jqmData( "theme" ) || $.mobile.loader.prototype.options.theme,
  msgText = $this.jqmData( "msgtext" ) || $.mobile.loader.prototype.options.text,
  textVisible = $this.jqmData( "textvisible" ) || $.mobile.loader.prototype.options.textVisible,
  textonly = !!$this.jqmData( "textonly" );
  html = $this.jqmData( "html" ) || "";
$.mobile.loading( 'show', {
  text: msgText,
  textVisible: textVisible,
  theme: theme,
  textonly: textonly,
  html: html
.on( "click", ".hide-page-loading-msg", function() {
  $.mobile.loading( "hide" );


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