Monday 31 January 2022

How to check data type or validate data in React js

 there are two data types in Javascript 






and NULL 

non-primitive types:



 and RegExp

 To check the data belongs to which data type there is an inbuilt javascript method called typeof. typeof can be used for validating the data type but there is one weird behavior of typeof Array that it gives us object as output.

console.log(typeof(new Date())) // object

console.log(typeof(['Manish', 'Manntrix', "Medium"])) // object

console.log(typeof({ name: 'Manish', age: 26 })) // object

console.log(typeof(/ab+c/i)) // object

console.log(typeof(new Error('Error')))  // object

To solve the issue 

  1. Open your project directory and install xtypejs.
npm install xtypejs --save

2. Now import xtype from xtypejs library.

import xtype from 'xtypejs'
console.log(xtype(new Date())) // date console.log(xtype({})) // empty_object
console.log(xtype({name: "manish"})) // single_prop_object
console.log(xtype({name: "manish", age: 26})) // multi_prop_object
console.log(xtype([])) // empty_array
console.log(xtype([1])) // single_elem_array
console.log(xtype([1, 2])) // multi_elem_array
console.log(xtype(undefined)) //undefined
console.log(xtype(1)) //positive_integer
console.log(xtype(1.1)) //positive_float
console.log(xtype(-1.1)) //negative_float
console.log(xtype(-1)) //negative_integer
console.log(xtype('Hello')) //multi_char_string
console.log(xtype(' ')) //whitespace
console.log(xtype('')) //empty_string
console.log(xtype(NaN)) //nan
console.log(xtype(new Error())) //error
console.log(xtype(/ab+c/i)) //regexp
console.log(xtype(true)) //true
console.log(xtype(false)) //false

//Example 2 (Validate with correct data type) ============================================== console.log(xtype.type(new Date())) // date
console.log(xtype.type({})) // object
console.log(xtype.type({name: "manish"})) // object
console.log(xtype.type({name: "manish", age: 26})) // object
console.log(xtype.type([])) // array
console.log(xtype.type([1])) // array
console.log(xtype.type([1, 2])) // array
console.log(xtype.type(undefined)) //undefined
console.log(xtype.type(1)) //number
console.log(xtype.type(1.1)) //number
console.log(xtype.type(-1.1)) //number
console.log(xtype.type(-1)) //number
console.log(xtype.type('Hello')) //string
console.log(xtype.type(' ')) //string
console.log(xtype.type('')) //string
console.log(xtype.type(NaN)) //nan
console.log(xtype.type(new Error())) //error
console.log(xtype.type(/ab+c/i)) //regexp
console.log(xtype.type(true)) //boolean
console.log(xtype.type(false)) //boolean
Full e-g
Class component ;eve; constructor(props){
this.state = {
data: []
} Hooks level - function component const[ApiData, setApiData ] useState([]); useEffect({ getData(); },[])
async getData (){
const res = await axios.get('')
if(xtype.type( === 'array'){
console.log(new Error('Something went wrong'))
this.setState({data: []})
render() {
return (
{ => <h5>{}</h5>)}
} Ref:,inbuilt%20javascript%20method%20called%20typeof.

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