Sunday 9 September 2018

how to do angular cli install behind corporate proxy

how to do angular cli install behind corporate proxy
step: 0:
By default : once installed Node Js without comparny proxy it will set npm registry.
If you want to set global npm regristry follow the step. But out case start from Step:1

npm set registry

Seems it is a certificate expire issue with:

npm registry
in stead run:

delete proxy:
npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy

Step 1

Open command prompt of your system (run as administrator).

Step 2

In command prompt, type the below-highlighted command and enter,

C:\windows\system32>ping proxy                                                                                                                         

Step 3

You will find proxy URL of your work environment very similar to the below proxy URL format in the first line,

proxy.[company name].com    or proxy.{extension}.[company name].net


npm config set proxy
npm config set https-proxy

Step 5

Once TypeScript is installed successfully, run the below command just to check which TypeScript version is installed,

>tsc –v       

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