Saturday 16 August 2014

Image Map with element map and area

 An Image Map showing the Seven Wonders of the  World
<img src="seven_wonders.jpg" usemap="#imagemap"
     alt="Seven Wonders of the World"/>
<map name="imagemap">
<area href="Chichen_Itza.html" shape="rect" coords="0,0,93,65"
       alt="chichen Itza"/>
<area href="Christ_on_Corcovado_mountain.html" shape="rect" coords="93,1,186,65"
      alt="Christ on Corcovado Mountain"/>
<area href="great_wall_china.html" shape="rect" coords="0,66,94,132"
      alt="great wall of china"/>
<area href="Machu_Picchu.html" shape="rect" coords="92,64,186,132"
      alt="machu picchu"/>
<area href="Al_Kanzneh.html" shape="rect" coords="0,133,94,201"
      alt="al kanzneh"/>
<area href="Taj_Mahal.html" shape="rect" coords="92,134,186,203"
       alt="taj mahal"/>
<area href="Colosseum_Rome.html" shape="rect" coords="0,202,186,260"
      alt="colosseum Rome"/>
<small>Refresh the Page to goto the Image Map</small>

Thanks for the Ref:

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