Thursday, 9 January 2014

Step by Step WordPress Configuration

Installing wordpress on WAMP in windows 7 – Manual Detail.

A couple of items need to be done in order to install.
1. Download wordpress and know where your unzipped "wordpress" folder is located.
2. Know where your WAMP document root is - I would expect it to be c:\wamp\htdocs for a default install
3. copy the wordpress folder to your document root folder and leave untouched (this will be you base to install multiple test wordpress sites).
3. while in Windows Explorer at c:\wamp\htdocs your should now see a wordpress folder.

4. make of copy of the wordpress folder which should create a folder named wordpress Copy.
5. Rename your wordpress folder to you new site test name (something for you to make up) for example testsite1
6. you should now have a folder c:\wamp\testsite1
7. Verify your WAMP Apache and MySql servers are active
8. Go to localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser (or how ever you get to phpMyAdmin in WAMP
9. in phpMyAdmin Create a new database - your name choice - something like testdb1 (remember this, it is needed for the install)
10. while still in phpMyAdmin go to databases and click your database
11. while still in your new database click the Privileges tab
12 Click add new user - again give any name and password you'd like just remember them (also make sure server is "localhost") - for our example you should have something like user = testuser1 and password testpass1.
13. ******* now you are ready to Install WordPress *******
14. In you browser address window type localhost/testsite1/wp-admin hit enter and you should begin the wordpress install dialogue (which should begin with an offer to create your config file - let it and then it will ask for the database info from above.
15. Error will occur to complete. Open wp-config-sample.php file in wordpress folder.
Edit the database user name,password,hostname etc. details. Save the file as  wp-config.php

It will complete the process after successful installations.
Localhost/sitename/wp-admin/  enter  not clear this one.
Ask your user name,password as your mentioned in site name details. Not DB user name and password all other thinks. Username = kpdon, password = apso123…!
Logout and alogin again to open
Locahost/sitename/wp-admin/  enter.

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