Wednesday, 27 November 2013

JQUERY -HTML5 framework using for develop mobile applications.

jQuery and HMTL5 are most compatible technology/ techniques with mobile applications. jQuery is the popular JavaScript library, you can include thislibrary in web and mobile applications to make it easier and more effective. This jQuery library used to develop Ajax based applications, web 2.0 web applications and make code more simple and easy to JavaScript programmers.
In this list we introduce some best framework as limejs, mobilizejs, joapp, jQuery mobile and many more. I hope mobile apps developers would love to use these jQuery and HTML frameworks.
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jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile. It merge the flexibility of, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets.

Zepto’s primary focus is on mobile devices, where small file sizes and tapping into the latest browser features matter most for fast loading and optimal runtime performance.

EmbedJS is a JavaScript framework for embedded devices (mobile phones, TVs, etc.). It takes a different approach than other frameworks by shipping just the code needed for each device. That means, there’s less code going over the wire, less code branching at runtime and less memory usage.

Mobilize.js allows web developers create mobile sites out of existing websites with little effort.

DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps. It’s not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, robust web applications that run on iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms.

By using the widely accepted libraries jQuery and jQuery Mobile, The-M-Project is based on some rock-solid technologies.

mobl is a new free and open source language designed specially to speed up building mobile applications. Using modern HTML5 technologies, mobl offers you
  • 1) a concise language to build native-feeling web apps in a jiff;
  • 2) great (Eclipse) IDE support (such as as-you-type error reporting, code completion and reference resolving);
  • 3) a rapid save and test cycle. No more lengthy compilations, the mobl IDE compiles your modules whenever you save, ready to be tested in the mobile browser

LimeJS is a HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
desktop browsers.

Your HTML5 app lives in a single page and Jo helps you create a native-like app experience. Sure, there’s some DOM manipulation going on in there, but you don’t have to worry about it unless you want to. Build your app with JavaScript, tweak some CSS and call it a day.

A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design

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