Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Typescript - type = {}, interface { }


Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51131898/what-is-the-difference-between-type-and-class-in-typescript/51132333#51132333

Description | Type | Interface |

| Describe functions                                      |   ✔  |     ✔     |
| Describe constructors                                   |   ✔  |     ✔     |
| Describe tuples                                         |   ✔  |     ✔     |
| Interfaces can extend                                   |   ≈  |     ✔     |
| Classes can extend                                      |   ✘  |     ✔     |
| Classes can implement                                   |   ≈  |     ✔     |
| Divide another one of its own kind                      |   ✔  |     ≈     |
| Create a union with another one of its own kind         |   ✔  |     ✘     |
| Be used to create mapped types                          |   ✔  |     ✘     |
| Be mapped over with mapped types                        |   ✔  |     ✔     |
| Expands in error messages and logs                      |   ✔  |     ✘     |
| Be completed                                            |   ✘  |     ✔     |
| Be recursive