Friday, 25 September 2020

Full Stack Developer - React + Spring Boot

Full Stack Developer - React + Spring Boot


React - JS ( hooks, redux, formik, testing)


1.codevolution - youtube 

1.1 Practical React -14 features

1.2 Formik

1.3 ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners - Basic with class based

1.4 React Hooks Tutorial

1.5 React Redux

2.tkssharma - CodeLabs -youtube

2.1 react-fullcourse

--2.2 react-hooks-crashcourse

--2.3 react-component-testing

--2.4 redux-react-statemngt

--2.5 react-formik

--2.6 build-react-apps

3.Udemy_techsith + youtube 

3.1 React Hooks Beginner to Expert - Udemy 

3.2 react from scratch + hooks + redux--

4.netninja - youtube

4.1 react-context-hooks

4.2 react-redux-firebase-app

4.3 complete react-tutuorial--- V-covered

5.codingthesmartway - youtube

spring boot: ( SPB, FSD, Best practice, Miroservices ,AWS )


6.javagudies -spb FSD- youtube 

6.1 React Spring Boot FSD (Employee CRUD opeation)

6.2 SPB - features - profiles, actuator, JPA, spring Web, dev tools, swagger, @Value, .yml, H2, Maria DB

7.javabrains - spb microserices - youtube 

7.1 SPB ( Course ,Topic)

8.javatecchi - youtube -spb, Miroservices ,aws, docker

8.1 Spring boot - Miroservices ( Order, Payment, GateWay, Eureka Registry serve )

--8.2 SPB tutorial

9.tecchprime - youtube

--9.1 spb_primer

10.in28mintues -workspace

10.1 spring boot 100 steps - beginner to expert - Udemy

10.2 Full stack React + spring boot

10.3 AWS - Certtified solution architect

--10.4 SPB Tutorial

11.telusko - youtube

12. SPB _ tutorials

12.1 tutorial points

12.2 online Tutorials points



12.Machine Learning


Data scientist in 2025 - guide YT

  Reference from YouTube Channel:  Sahil & Sarra ► Everything in one place: Datacamp Associate Data Scientist with Python Career Track: ...