Friday, 25 October 2013

Multiple APK publish for Same Application in google play

Reference links

procedure link

Thanks for sharing

Setting up Multiple APKs
If you’re new to publishing on Android Market™, I’d recommended first going over the Preparing to Publish checklist and publishing on Android Market page on the Android Developers reference site to understand what you need to do if you plan to publish your application. Also review the publishing concepts for Android Developers. Here you’ll find a good explanation on key concepts regarding how the Android Market publisher site works, including descriptions on active APKs, simple mode versus advanced mode and the difference between “publish” and “save”. Most importantly, this page explains exactly how multiple APKs work.
Once you’ve made the decision to use multiple APKs on Android Market™, take the following facts into consideration:
  • You will have just one entry in Android Market™ for your application, and different devices might download a different APK.
  • You maintain one set of product details (app description, icons, screenshots, etc.). This also means youcannot charge different prices for different APKs.
  • All users see only one version of your application on Android Market™.
  • If you publish different APKs for different versions of Android, then when a user’s device receives a system update that qualifies them for a different APK you’ve published, Android Market™ automatically updates the user’s application to the appropriate APK.
Publishing multiple APKs
Assuming you’ve already prepared your application for publishing (including signing and versioning your application), you should be ready to publish on Android Market.
To activate multiple APK in the Developer console for Android Market, ensure you have the following settings:
1. In the Product details tab of Edit Application screen, an Upload new APK window opens when you first begin uploading your software. Click the Choose file button to navigate to and select the APK file.Multiple APK support - screenshot example #1
2. When your APK file is uploaded, click the Save button.Multiple APK support - screenshot example #2
3. Go to the APK files tab of the Edit Application screen. Multiple APK support - screenshot example #3
4. Click Switch to advanced mode.
Multiple APK support - screenshot example #4
5. Click the Upload APK button and select the additional versions of the APK file to add. Select the Activate link to activate the APK.
Multiple APK support - screenshot example #5
6. When you are finished adding all the versions of your APK files for your application, click the Publish button to publish the APK files to Android Market™, or click the Save button to save your files.
The description circled below indicates which devices running a particular version of Android (in this case, API level 10 or 8-10) will be able to download this APK. The information shown in the description is automatically extracted from the manifest file.
Multiple APK support - screenshot example #6
Let us know…
We hope you take full advantage of the publishing options that the multiple APK support feature provides. If you have any questions, let us know through the Comments link at the end of this post.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Responsive Web Design Template sample

<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" /> 
<title>Media Responsive Web page</title>

        <style  type="text/css">
@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 768px) {
            #banner { width:740px; }
            #banner img { max-width:740px; max-height:222px; }
            #main { width:740px; }          
            #main-content { width:450px; float:left; }
            #widget-container { width:200px; float:right; }
            .widget-content { width:160px; }

          @media (min-width: 321px) and (max-width: 480px) {
            #banner { width:450px; }
            #banner img { max-width:450px; max-height:135px; }
            #main { width:450px; }          
            #main-content { width:400px;}
            #widget-container { width:400px; }
            .widget-content { width:120px; margin:5px; float:left;}
            .widget-text { display:none; }

          @media (max-width: 320px) {
            #banner { width:275px; }
            #banner img { max-width:275px; max-height:83px; }
            #main { width:250px; }          
            #main-content { width:250px;padding:0px;}
            #widget-container { width:250px; padding:0px; }
            .widget-content { width:250px; margin:5px;}
            .widget-text { display:none; }


<div id="banner"><img src=""></div>
<div id="main">
 <div id="widget-container">
  <div class="widget-content">
   <div class="widget-title">
         Proin eu magna a purus feugiat
   <div class="widget-text">

Putting/Removing PhpMyAdmin in Wamp= password to a user

You can create a user using MySQL like this:

mysql:>CREATE USER 'username'@'servername' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
and if you want to do that for a specific database, simply you can write in the MySQL:

TO 'username'@'servername'
IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Note that it's all one sentence, also note that you need to change:

database_name // your database name
username      // any name you want to use as username
servername    // the name of your server, for example: localhost
password      // any text you want to use as user password

Set password for root phpmyadmin wamp server
cmd:>mysqladmin enter
list displyed. then
cmd:>mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

Take a look at reseting the MySQL wamp server phpmyadmin root password here.

mysql:>UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('MyNewPass/Empty') WHERE User='root';


my file in the phpmyadmin folder.

/* Authentication type and info */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'enter_username_here';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'enter_password_here';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = true;

Friday, 18 October 2013

Phonegap commnad line android project creation

Phonegap commnad line android project creation for cordova 2.6_higher version

1)Create a phonegap Project for android in windows in Phonegap versions (like 2.6,2.7)
Open command prombt 

2)cd:>change to phonegap downloaded android bin folder (there is one create.batch file avail)

3).C:>...\bin>create Folder_Name package_name Project_Name
Android project creaing...

4).Then ,Inside the phonegap bin folder Specified project is created.

5). Import that project in eclipse project setting.... for further steps

When import to eclipse 4 error occur in manifest file
1) remove  android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" in first line <manifest xmlns:android="

2)remove xlargescreen:true in <supported-screen >tag

 3) choose any one <application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" or icon

4)remove  android:hardwareAccelerated="true" in <application android:icon= tag

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Free software download site- Filehippo

very important software and browser and audio and video required software are available.

To terminate Android device using debug mode termination.

adb kill-server

Data scientist in 2025 - guide YT

  Reference from YouTube Channel:  Sahil & Sarra ► Everything in one place: Datacamp Associate Data Scientist with Python Career Track: ...